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Do you need a Virtual Assistant?

Get A Professional Virtual Assistant for your Administrative Tasks

As a Virtual Assistant you will be required to perform some administrative tasks and various services to entrepreneurs or businesses from a remote location. ByPlus empowers you and your organization to meet organizational goals, objectives and consistencies. HR Outsourcing Services We all know that time is money! And have you ever sat back, looked at your workload and thought,  ‘I could really do with a professional help!’? Please allow us to share… Read More »Get A Professional Virtual Assistant for your Administrative Tasks

ByPlus Service

Do You Have A Job Dream?

Your job started out to be what you wanted, but today it is different. Maybe you will think of it as a jumping place for a better job in the future, but you have been here 5 plus years. Have you changed? It is a fact that your dream job is waiting for you, so don’t continue in a miserable job, boring or basically unsatisfying, even questionable for basic survival.… Read More »Do You Have A Job Dream?

Personal and Professional Development

Personal and Professional Development. What’s the difference?

When people ask me about my business, I tell them I am in the learning business that we help organizations, teams and individuals reach their potential through learning. This is a fine statement and it does describe the breadth of what we do, but it often leads to the follow-up question like “Do you do personal development stuff or just business skills training?” My answer is yes. Because I don’t… Read More »Personal and Professional Development. What’s the difference?


    THE GATE – Job Interviews Do you experience interview anxiety or stage fright before and during interview? Do you tend to freeze up and go blank, or forget what you wanted to say or have researched? ByPlus has a special training program to teach you mental toughness, poise, and calmness and focus skills so you’ll go into your interviews feeling confident. Are you seriously in need of a… Read More »ARE YOU READY FOR INTERVIEW COACHING?

10 Productivity-Boosting Habits of Successful People

Do you have co-workers or acquaintances that seem to get more done in one day than you do in a week? Productivity often boils down to well-ingrained work habits that help maximise time and improve the chances of a successful outcome. There’s no mystical secret to boosting productivity. If you find there aren’t enough hours in the day to achieve your goals, why not try out the following tips and… Read More »10 Productivity-Boosting Habits of Successful People

THE FEAR OF SUCCESS – How to Overcome It

Is the fear of success real? How could anyone possibly fear such a wonderfully positive thing as success? As strange as it sounds, many people do fear success. This fear holds them back from achieving their goals and dreams. It may sound more reasonable to fear failure, and not to fear success. What is this all about? Here are some reasons people fear success. Think these through and you’ll begin… Read More »THE FEAR OF SUCCESS – How to Overcome It

Peak Performance In The Workplace – THE NEW CORPORATE ETHIC

Corporations today are committed to helping organizations empower their people with high-performance work styles. People who are identified as peak performers, even in high stress environments have mastered the skills top achievers in all disciplines possess. We share the secrets of renewing oneself in a high-stress world. In a fast-paced and ever-changing workplace, we are all concerned about stress, burnout and how to achieve peak levels of performance on an… Read More »Peak Performance In The Workplace – THE NEW CORPORATE ETHIC